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On 8th March 2021 we will celebrate International Women’s Day around the world. The theme this year is Choose To Challenge.

Choose to challenge gender bias.

Choose to challenge inequality.

Choose to seek out & celebrate women’s achievements.

Collectively, we can all help an inclusive world.


Our goal at Rooh Collective is to challenge ourselves as people and a business, to achieve an equal future in a covid-19 world. We choose to celebrate the tremendous efforts of women and girls around the future by shaping a more equal future.

As a female run business, we are not shy of the difficulties women face at home and at work and we want to take that all important step of supporting each other, and have the men in our personal lives and our work lives, support us too.


We are proudly partnered with a women-owned studio in Mumbai, India, who employ women and men from the local community and showcase their incredible craftsmanship through our pieces. Women are given as many equal rights as men and they support each other as a team, sharing in their training, their craft and their daily work lives.

Our founder, Steph, is supported at home and at work by her partner Akshay, who is not only behind Steph every step of the way but also helps manage Rooh Collective on the side. As a small, growing business it means it’s all hands on deck and although Steph leads the business, she could not do it without the love and support of Akshay.

Part of our main philosophy is to practise diversity and equality every step of the way; from our trusted partners in India, to our wonderful customers.

Achieving gender equality should be as important for men as it is for women. From Inception, Akshay has supported my ideas, vision and helped me drive my ideas to reality. He has supported me throughout this journey in getting this initiative up and running” Steph says.

Steph & Akshay - Rooh Collective


As a business that began as a thought that became a passion, and a passion that became an action, we believe in challenging ourselves. We believe that those challenges can lead to change and so we challenge you to help build out a more gender balanced and unbiased world.

Send us your #ChooseToChallenge picture to show that you are loud and proud to call out gender inequality. We want to know your story and how gender bias has affected you. We will feature your image on our instagram to prove that we are in support of you and your personal challenge.

As well as the theme for this year’s International Women’s Day, we also strongly support the Lean In organisation. Their mission is to help women achieve their ambitions and work to create an equal world. Behind every woman is a circle of women right? Choose to challenge yourself and support the women around you to achieve their goals. Be kind. Be helpful. Believe in one another.

Let’s take a moment to acknowledge how far we have come together as a team. Let us celebrate the progress we have made towards equality but also remember how much further there is to go. 

Steph, Choose To Challenge, International Women's Day - Rooh Collective
Send your images to to be featured.

